Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rain and Random Ramblings (Ooooh, Alliteration!)

You know it's going to be a "I want to stay inside at all costs" sort of day when your local forecast starts off with this:

Our relentless dreary, dense, overcast overhang dominates today and much of tomorrow, with frequent rain shower chances too.

Gross. Just gross.
Adding to the grossness (apologies for the TMI), it's "that time of the month," if you will, and I'm a hurtin' cowgirl.
All this calls for some TLC.

In an effort to cheer things up a bit, I invested in two of my favorite things this morning: Kiss My Face bodywash (in the uber-delightful Early to Rise variety) and some clementines. Clementines are in season just as things get unbearably cold, and they're one of my favorite mid-winter pick-me-ups.

The Early to Rise bodywash is something I only pick up in January -- I'm not down with routinely paying $12 for body wash, so this once-a-year treat is my way of fending off the "SWEET FANCY MOSES, IT'S SO COLD AND DREARY OUT AND I JUST WANT IT TO BE SPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNG" blues.
Because Brandon is awesome, he was willing to go pick up Thai food - my favorite - while I caught up on the Golden Globes special for Fashion Police. I love my husband. :)


The good news? It's supposed to get a bit nicer this weekend before becoming frickin' frigid all next week, so I'm hoping (like, really, really, really hoping) that I'll be well enough by Saturday to go for a run outside. I paid a visit to my doctor yesterday, who diagnosed me with a sinus infection and the beginnings of bronchitis -- so I was promptly given antibiotics, which are already starting to help. 

Seriously, I love modern medicine. It's the awesomest.

Hope you all are having a lovely evening - hooray for tomorrow being Wednesday!


  1. Yay for treats to lift your mood! And for drugs that make you feel better stat! That body wash sounds heavenly haha...and now i want thai food! Must maje that happen soon! Fingers crossed we're both running outside on saturday :)

  2. I'm pretty sure if I saw that forecast I wouldn't even consider getting out of my cozies all day!
